Introduction :

Agarwood belongs to family Thymelaeaceae.
沉香活络 天地精油

It is a kind of high quality & precious herbal medicines. Agarwood originating mainly in Hainan Province of China & SouthEast Asia like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Agarwood Usage

Medical and therapeutic usage of agarwood is well recognized. According to China's traditional book on pharmaceuticals, the "Bencao Gangmu", agarwood cured evil vapors in heart and belly, evils of cholera, fiend fevers, refreshing human spirit & syndrome of upper heat and lower cold, adverse flow & dyspnea, intestinal constipation, stranguria and lacking of Yang Qi.


Effective For:

In Chinese medicine, agarwood are very precious medicines used in removing negativity, bringing peace to the body, building energy & was used as therapeutic treatment for treating cardiopathy, stomachache, pain killer, cancer, tumor, diarrhea, kidney problem and lungs problem.

Clinical trials & research

Agarwood is used as specific remedy for gastric cancer & the best pain killer available. Chinese traditional prescription even used it for digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, arthritis, tumors and several medical branches such as surgical procedures, gynaecology, paediatrics, andrology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology & dermatology especially in aromatherapy & essence therapy.

Essentials oils of agarwood

The essentials oils of agarwood contain elements for anesthesia, analgesia & muscle relaxation. It is sedative & antasthmatic in effect & also being use effectively as central nervous system depressants.


By inhaling the agarwood incense, it also can be useful in maintenance of health. It feels more comfortable while applied directly to the skin, preventing skin diseases & giving you a satiny-smooth skin.

Medical values & usages

As you can see, the medical values & usages of agarwood are extensive. At least more than 160 prescription of Chinese traditional medicine are made from agarwood.

Agarwood Comfort Heat

Effective for :-
Rheumatic, swollen joints, cramp,stomach ache, arthritis pain, bone ache, toothache, stiff neck, back-bone ache, circulation of blood & bruising sustained from martial arts, sports & training.  2014 04 11 094006

Agarwood Lock Oil & Agarwood Lock Balm

Effective for :-
Activating blood circulation, swollen joins, bone ache,  activating meridians, muscle pain, strain illness, head ache, stomach ache,& chest pain, rheumatoid arthritis pain. 2014 04 11 094832

Agarwood Medicated Herbal Pack

Effective for :-
Athlete's foot, foot odor, food sweat, relieve itching, detoxify, rheumatic aches, arm aches, cooling, antibacterial & antiviral. 2014 04 11 095200